As the sun draws nearer to the horizon, just before dusk sets in, you see an amazing pink, red, or purple hued sky.
For many of us it means we can look forward to brilliant weather the following day. But what's the rhyme which we're taught as children to help us remember?
Depending where you're from, the rhyme might be told a little differently!
Seen here (right) a swan on the River Avon in Bath, England. Just before the dusk settles in during a late night in June, 2019.
So, finish this sentence: Red sky at night, ____ ____.
Super interesting, isn't it? Britain's naval history took English all over the planet, yet the rhyme in the UK goes, "red sky at night, shepherd's delight" whereas even those in landlocked middle America recite, "red sky at night, sailor's delight"!
Shepherd‘s delight. Is that not the only way to answer?!
Red sky at night sailor's delight, red sky in the morning sailor's take warning