Not sure what a tarpon is? It's something you can lure with your hands, if you know where to go! Although I'm not sure you'd want to catch it that way.
There are a few places you can go to feed the tarpon comfortably and conveniently from the dock of a nearby restaurant or attraction. The most famous of which is probably Robbie's of Islamorada.
The layout has changed a bit over the last few years, I suppose they've had too many brazen birds arriving to steal catch and later injure themselves. So, the dock's feeding area has been somewhat restricted and even has a sort of pelican police.
Here's a view from 2016
Here's a view from a more recent visit at the end of 2018
And of course the only photo I have of me feeding them myself is the one where the bait slipped out of my fingers!
There's also tarpon feeding off the rear dock at Sundowner's of Key Largo. But when I visited in November of 2017 they hadn't yet returned from the fright of Hurricane Irma.
You might not care about the tarpon though when you've got a great dinner view.