When you're adding a new post to the Travel Forum, you'll now have two options to choose what type of post you're contributing: Start a Discussion or Ask a Question.
The biggest difference is the ability to "like" vs the ability to upvote/downvote a reply.
For example, Discussion posts are meant to simply encourage conversation. Share a fact or make a statement about a travel experience in the case of our Explorer community here.
You're inviting a discussion but people viewing the forum can click the little heart on any response to show that they've enjoyed the content.
For the Ask a Question posts, the initial query might be intended to stoke conversation, sure, but it is more likely that you want an actual answer. The replies might be considered valuable contributions, middle of the road, or even unhelpful.
You and others viewing then have the option to click a little coloured arrow to upvote or downvote each individual response, depending how valuable you felt it might be.