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Your Guide To

Abbey Road Crossing

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This section should read, how a 1969 Beatles album cover immortalized a traffic control device as a tourist site and pilgrimage for one of the world's most successful music groups!

Without a shadow of doubt, you'll be humming the Beatles when you re-enact the famous album cover yourself!

Planning your trip

If you're not enjoying your visit as part of a larger organized tour, aim for St John's Wood Tube Station and not Abbey Road DLR Station.

When you should go

The zebra crossing is in a public space and it does span a real road, you'll be more mindful of traffic needs and escape the crush of fellow Beatles fans the earlier in the day you can make it here.

What else you might need

As above, the zebra crossing is a public space. You'll not require any sort of pass or advanced booking, but there may be a line up of fellow fans which grows as the day progresses.

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