Your Guide To
Agustin Gainza Arts and Tavern
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A working gallery featuring a lovely little tavern, you'll know you're in the home of an artist from the moment you walk in the door. Now living in exile from his home country of Cuba, Gainza and his wife, Ester, run one of the most welcoming art collections we've come across. You'll likely see Gainza at work in his studio area when you visit.
It is a colorful studio space and gallery, where absolutely everything has been touched by an artist. It's a place to make you feel happy, even if you don't count yourself as someone really into art. Try a mojito, with homemade lemoncello ice or take home something unique for your home.
Planning your trip
The first business on 8th Street to welcome guests in a paint with the artist experience, you can shut the gallery down for a private painting session with home cooked snacks and some Cuban style sangria! The most well-received experience available through our local supplier partners at Luxury Tours Miami.
When you should go
The gallery is a family owned business and is closed on Sundays and holidays.
What else you might need
The gallery may be rented and closed to guests,
Things to do nearby
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