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Your Guide To

Diamond Head

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Probably the most visible landmark from the Honolulu area, the profile of the now dormant volcano makes it look like a ridge while it is in fact a saucer shape. The Hawaiian name is Lē‘ahi, while the English name is thought to have resulted in a mistaken identification of calcite deposits on the sands. British sailors thought they had found a trove of sparkling diamonds!

While the crater is a State Monument, there are sections off-limits to visitors. Typically areas housing various antennae. A popular hiking trail has popped up, granting views over Honolulu and beyond to those who'd make the trek.

Planning your trip

It is technically walking distance from Waikiki Beach to the trails of Diamond Head, but you may wish to plan a more robust day trip.

Pack water and reef-safe sunscreen, don't forget your camera!

When you should go

Plan your ascent according to the weather, but it should only take you about 1.5-2 hours to complete each of the outbound and return legs on the official route. Be mindful that it may be busy at the summit, in particular between 10am and 2pm. You'll have to be out of the park by 6pm.

What else you might need

There is a parking fee if you're driving yourself to the entry or a small, almost nominal entry fee for pedestrians & vehicles ($1-$5 range).

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