Your Guide To
Faena Forum
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A landmark in its own right, the Faena Forum is a meetings & events forum for public and private celebrations. Although designed independently of the Faena Hotel, the properties are collocated and designed to operate in concert.
Amphitheater space, dining halls, hosting areas, and any number of flexible room spaces to meet your entertainment needs in a gathering.
Planning your trip
Watch for events around periods of city-wide celebrations, such as Art Basel.
When you should go
Although there are occasional events open to the public, you'll have the best opportunity to experience the Faena Forum by hosting your own celebration or meeting here. The site can host up to 1,000 guests across 43,000 square feet of halls & exhibition space.
What else you might need
Advance planning is a necessity and will be central to the success of your own event.
Things to do nearby
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