Your Guide To
Junkanoo Beach
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As one of the nearest beaches to the cruise terminal at Nassau, it certainly is a bit busier in terms of both patronage but also options for food and drink. If you're in the mood to socialise, this is definitely the place to be!
Beautiful sand on turquoise water, what's not to love? If you're into spotting cruise ships, you'll have a hard time finding a better opportunity, especially during the weekend.
Planning your trip
Pretty much any itinerary featuring Nassau will bring you comfortably close to Junkanoo. You'll likely be able to see your ship from the beach!
When you should go
There are nicer beaches in Nassau, but maybe none so lively. As mentioned above, many people visit Junkanoo Beach because of the proximity to the cruise terminals. You don't have far to wander when returning to your ship at the end of the day. However, it's hard to beat the atmosphere here when the party is really going.
What else you might need
It is a public beach, you won't need to arrange any sort of access to sit on the sand or to enjoy splashing in the surf. Lockers and other amenities, such as charging stations are available at some of the beach bars on site.
Things to do nearby
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