Your Guide To
Myrtos Beach
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Recognized as Kefalonia's most famous beach and one of its key attractions, as it attracts a large and growing number of visitors in recent years. Not a surprising insight as more than half a mile of beautiful sand bordered by stunning cliffs just slips into azure seas of the Ionian.
Myrtos Beach has received a coveted Blue Flag award and has also been named the finest beach in Greece 11 times by a popular local poll conducted online - more often than any other beach in Greece. It is well-kept, with a canteen, umbrellas, sunbeds, and a lifeguard on duty. This is the beach of beaches for visitors to Kefalonia.
Planning your trip
When you should go
The tourist season on Kefalonia runs April to the end of October, but Myrtos is definitely best enjoyed during the peak summer months.
You'll appreciate a cool dip in the seas most during August, when the temperature can rise above 91F.
What else you might need
Things to do nearby
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