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National Garden

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Lying to the east of the Acropolis is a large green space occupied by the National Garden and Zappeion Hall. The gardens used to be known as the "Royal Garden" but following a change in the political views of the nation, "National" was deemed more appropriate.

There are a number of statues and monuments to explore throughout the park, alongside the botanical attractions. You might simply enjoy an escape from the heat of the day here.

Planning your trip

Make sure you look up when you're in the gardens and follow your ears if you hear a bit of squawking, there's a thriving colony of parrots in the National Gardens. Not originally found in Greece, the little green birds are from Asia. There are a number of myths and theories about how the birds came to be in Athens, including irresponsible pet ownership, an accidental release in the 80s, and, our favorite, that the soldiers of Alexander the Great brought them home with them (circa 320 BC!).

When you should go

There's a great deal of shade to be found in the park here, a welcome respite from the heat of the sun in Athens. But the park sees more local visitors toward the evening hours during the later half of the week.

What else you might need

Outside of any events, you won't need any sort of ticket or reservation to walk the gardens.

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