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North Seymour Island

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A small island just north of Baltra, where most visitors to the Galapagos Islands arrive via plane into Seymour Airport. North Seymour is uninhabited and while it does feature a walking trail to enjoy the abundant bird life of the island, access is permitted only with an accompanying local guide.

Despite proximity to an active military airfield in years past, North Seymour hosts an abundance of bird life. This is where many visitors to the Galapagos spot their first blue footed booby or where bird watching enthusiasts themselves flock to spot nesting frigate birds.

Planning your trip

North Seymour is just off the coast of Baltra, a major starting-off point for many cruise itineraries in the Galapagos.

The unique geology of the island belies a cold current phenomena which attracts an abundance of marine life, including hammerhead sharks! Are you brave enough to go snorkeling here?

When you should go

Although uninhabited and requiring a guide, the proximity to Baltra and a few other popular island destinations of various tour & cruise itineraries can make North Seymour a bit busy. Aim for what might be early winter months back home to avoid visitor numbers, November and December for example.

What else you might need

Your Galapagos tourist permit will allow for an arranged visit to North Seymour, but it may not automatically represent any guided experience. If you're seeking an opportunity to go ashore on North Seymour, you'll need to be accompanied by a registered guide or ranger.

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