Your Guide To
Old's Havana
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A colorful little bar and restaurant offering up some great takes on traditional Cuban food & beverages, including mojitos and various Cuban sandwiches. They've stylized the interior in a pre-Castro theme.
There are plenty of options for Cuban food here in Little Havana, we like Old's for a certain few dishes, such as their minuta sandwich, but the atmosphere is a lot of fun without being as loud as some of the neighboring establishments.
Planning your trip
If you're visiting Little Havana during the lunch hour, stop in at Old's Havana for a great minuta sandwich, it's a Cuban specialty featuring deep fried grouper. Old's has one of the best in Miami.
When you should go
Relatively quiet during the lunch hour, you'll have the best options for comfortable seating earlier in the afternoon.
What else you might need
Things to do nearby
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