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Simpson's Tavern

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Among "London's Oldest" claims lays Simpson's Tavern as the "oldest chophouse in London" circa 1757. As with many other such surviving venues of the era it's actually hidden down a little alleyway with an address in the half-figures. Quite fitting for the historic financial district!

You probably don't need an excuse to stop for a quick drink during your exploration of London, but if you've got more time to explore a historic address with the offer of great British food you should take it.

Planning your trip

Simpson's Tavern touts their own pork crackling and hosts a number of traditional events such as Christmas celebrations. There's also a curious trope in The Stewed Cheese Challenge, partly tongue in cheek but very real cheese eating competition.

When you should go

Regular hours include a breakfast hour from 8am to 10:30am Tuesdays through Fridays with dining rooms from noon to 3:30pm. Bars open from 11:30am, the venue isn't open during weekends.

What else you might need

The venue isn't huge and it can be popular with the local bankers, you may not need a reservation but you should aim to arrive earlier to avoid disappointment. Events require ticketing.

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