Your Guide To
Syntagma Square
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Also known as Constitution Square, the site is not simply the center-point of Athens, it also hosts the Hellenic (Greek) Parliament and a number of luxury hotels. The eastern side hosts the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, allowing visitors the opportunity to view some aspect of ceremony every half hour.
Undoubtedly, you're visiting Athens to enjoy the ancient history. Syntagma Square is a great addition to your itinerary where you'd like to get a modern take on tradition and the here and now of Athens. A great way to start your day, prior to visiting any ancient ruins.
Planning your trip
For most visitors, the changing of the guard and any ceremony surrounding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Syntagma's eastern edge is the most interesting aspect of the square. Ceremonies take place throughout the day, with the most grandeur reserved for the Sunday morning parade at 11am.
When you should go
Military ceremony takes place throughout the day, but try to time your visit to commence just before the hour. The earlier in the day you can arrive, the more private the atmosphere as other tourists are still just getting out of bed!
What else you might need
The square is a public space and you won't require any sort of ticket or admission to enjoy it.
Things to do nearby
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