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The largest city in the Macedonia region of Greece and its capital, Thessaloniki has a rich history spanning more than 23 centuries. Today, check out its myriad of museums and art venues balanced against the bustle of a modern Greek metropolis.

You'll have gained a thousand memories and a few pounds when you leave Thessaloniki, it's a place for gastronomists as well as culture hounds. Families enjoying a cruise vacation or couples on a romantic break, there's a lot for everyone here.

Planning your trip

Thessaloniki is a less frequented port of call for many of the large or commercial cruise lines. Look to industry leader Celebrity Cruises for a Greek Isles or Greece & Turkey itinerary or from luxury lines Regent or Oceania on one of their Eastern Mediterranean voyages.

Very walkable, try starting at the famous White Tower and head along the beach for the next two miles or so. You'll have plenty to see and you'll finish the journey with a view of the horizon and Olympus, home of the gods.

When you should go

In addition to history and museums found throughout the year, the city plays host to many local festivals and events, especially during the summer. One of the most unique times to visit is during the Christmas period, when the whole city is decorated and illuminated through the evenings.

Thessaloniki has a pleasant temperature throughout the year, with an annual average hovering at about 70 degrees.

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