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The Tulum area was once more likely to be associated with ruins and snorkeling. In recent memory the resorts area in particular has become renown for its luxurious properties and a healthy heap of wellness options. You'll find no shortage of options for yoga and other lifestyle-centric options.

Choose your Tulum hotel & accommodations wisely. There are far more solo operations claiming luxury boutique status than there are resort brands you'd recognize. Simple miscommunications such as proximity to the beach or convenience of getting there may be a source of vacation angst for those who were not diligent or who tried to cut budget corners.

Planning your trip

Tulum has its own archaeological sites that you should visit at least once during your stay! You might also visit a cenote, a natural limestone sinkhole with clear, fresh water filling the reservoir space below!

When you should go

If you can be flexible in your plans, a visit in early December or early April might feature great weather but reduced guest numbers across the region. You'll see peaks in those visitor numbers mid-December through March.

What else you might need

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